An Andante in musical term is a moderately slow tempo (76–108 bpm), translates as moving along at a walking pace. It symbolizes 76 to 108 beats per minute. Our Tempo Andante was recognized for its contemporary numerals indexes, the stark contrast it enjoys with ion plating accents and structural designs from hands to straps allow the creation of a renewed urban chic. 

The odd one out live life on a relaxed stroll

Tempo Andante inspire you to get your own pace right and remain steadfast in your beliefs. Who would say your tempo is a misfit in the growing speed of 21st century when you can create your own beats.

We have made every effort to display the products as accurately as possible. However, kindly note that IMCW do not guarantee that all the images reflect the true appearance of the products.

(i) The product images may differ depending on the color settings on your computer or any mobile device.
(ii) The true appearance of the watch hands are solid instead of gradient, the products images (especially the IP colours) taken with strong lighting meant to show in its best display.
(iii) The serial numbers appears in the product images should be seen as illustrations purpose only. Please note that each of the IMCW watch is limited release and comes with a unique serial number.

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